Visitors, lunches, dinners and happenings...
Besoekers, middagetes, aandetes en gebeure...
Visiteurs, déjeuners, dîners et événements...
Leon invited me to visit him in Châlus not long after he finally moved there. We flew from Cape Town to Paris (via Doha!), after Leon had spent a gruelling seven weeks in South Africa to finally tie up business there.
I saw many pictures of the house he bought before restoration and during restoration (which was not completed when I arrived). The transformation was amazing and I could immediately see his special touch in completed and semi-completed rooms. He clearly had a very strong vision of what he wanted to achieve. He has endless energy and even during my stay he relentlessly worked on very detailed finishing touches. Now practically completed, it is no wonder that his French neighbours refer to it as PETIT VERSAILLES!
Within days I met most of his new neighbours and friends: French, Irish, Scottish and English, all people with diverse cultures – throw in a South African, and you really have a very interesting mix!
Leon is much loved by all these people and fortunate to have such wonderful and caring neighbours.
Châlus is a beautiful medieval village with loads of history and beautiful old buildings. Supermarkets stock food items that we can only dream of in South Africa, and not as expensive as I thought it would be. As a matter of fact some items are even cheaper and of course of a quality we are not used to. What a pleasure to visit a patisserie, boulangerie, boucherie and of course the weekly market where farmers of the region sell the freshest produce one can dream of – at very reasonable prices!! On the old town square we enjoyed many cups of coffee, glasses of rosé and meals at Le Sax’o, a restaurant and bar solely run by owner Manu; cook, barman, waiter, cleaner and energetic, friendly host!
The French LOVE to eat and drink! Lunch takes hours and can consist (it seems to be the norm!) of five courses!! I over-indulged in their fabulous food, breads, cheeses, pâté, charcuterie and cakes. We were treated to a barbecue (‘braai’) with Leon’s Scottish friends in the nearby village Bussière- Galant, five course lunches with French neighbours across the road and a traditional lunch with Irish neighbours.
This was just the start of many, many meals (normally accompanied with lots of Champagne and Rosé wines, which seems to be the preferred wine in that part of France!). Leon invited neighbours and friends for lunch and dinner on various occasions. When I first met him he could only make an omelette; now he has become a cook to be reckoned with! He prepared delicious 3 or 5 course meals for his guests, with passion and meticulous detail. It is clear that his love for good food has inspired him to cook outstanding meals. Many dishes were French, traditional and cordon bleu, sometimes with a little South African twist. The South African dishes he served were always a winner and loved by his guests, especially his tart with patates douces (sweet potatoes)! During my visit meals were served in the kitchen as the dining room was still undergoing a complete transformation. With a beautifully laid table and an excellent, vibrant and sparkling host, the luncheons and dinners were all huge successes! Thank you Leon for these memorable moments!
Then there was the buying of a car, about one week after my arrival. Needless to say, there followed many road trips to nearby villages and towns. We visited small villages for attic sales (Oradour sur Vayres and Chassenon), took a trip to Civray to collect a rug Leon had bought on the internet and had lunch in Saint Junien. Last-mentioned was the first long trip with the new car and I might add, hysterical (screaming on the top of our lungs when a huge truck approached on the very narrow roads, of course on the ‘wrong’ side of the road too!). We had a very memorable trip to nearby Rochechouart to visit the castle, now a contemporary art gallery, during a religious festival which only takes place every seven years. The town was beautifully dressed-up with bunting and flowers all over. Here we also had one of the best meals in a restaurant I had up to that date in France. We drove to Limoges several times where Leon visited his favourite shop CASTORAMA, a Hardware, Home, Do-it-yourself ‘heaven’ where Leon could not stop shopping!
We visited so many beautiful villages and towns in this picturesque part of France, Haute Vienne (situated in a national park Parc naturel regional Périgord Limousin), that there are too many to mention. There is however one more place I have to mention: Brantôme in the department of Dordogne. This ancient, historical town has the Dronne river running through it. A spectacularly beautiful town with loads of character. This visit was another of the highlights of my four week visit.
Thank you Leon for a very memorable visit to your beautiful home, Le Cœur de Léon, your outstanding hosting, your sense of humour but most of all, your priceless and special friendship!
Meilleurs voeux pour votre nouveau voyage!
Click here to see some of my holiday pics
Klein Chateau met Kleinhuisie vir ‘n Kleine Prins
Ek ken Leon Buchner al jare as my mees stylvolle vriend met uitmuntende smaak in veral die drie k’s – kuns, kos en klere!
Op besoek om uit te vind of hy waarlik gelukkig is met sy nuwe lewe in Châlus – natuurlik ook nuuskierig hoe sy chateau ingerig is waaraan hy en Annette Hartmann so lank gewerk het! – het ek bevestiging gekry van sy stylvolle oog vir detail om in balans ‘n smaakvolle lewe op kleinskaal te lei. Leon is ‘n klein kort mannetjie met daai skerpblou oë waarvan regisseurs van misdaadfilms so baie hou, want daai oë mis niks!
Die huis is vol prag ameublement wat daai skerp oë in tweedehandse winkels en op die internet raakgesien het. Frans-Europese kaste en stoele staan teen geverfde mure wat ‘n pefekte balans vorm om die meubelstuk tot sy reg te laat geskied, soos die sampioenkleur kamermuur waarteen ‘n spierwit rottang bedskopstuk pryk, fluweelagtige muurpapier as agtergrond vir twee armoires in die eetkamer en ‘n dowwe wit trapmuur om die lig wat instroom as natuurlike beligting op die kunswerke te laat kaats.
Dit is opvallend dat alles van Leon in kleintes is - die pragtige kleine chateau met die oorspronklike kleinhuisie as installasiekuns neffens ‘n klein tafeltjie en stoeltjie as “die wagkamertjie” langs ‘n kleinklippies-paadjie, daar word in ‘n klein karretjie gery, en in detail (wat aandag aan die kleinste besonderhede beteken) alles om hom posisioneer. Leon Buchner is voorwaar die kleine Prins
van Châlus wat met smaak en styl lewe - vol kuns, goeie musiek, boeke en kos wat op ‘n netjiese houtstoof van toeka gemaak word. Selfs die hout word in ‘n besonderse handgemaakte rubbersak aangedra – ‘n kunswerk opsigselwers!
Dit som in die kleine Leon perfek op!
"Die stoel is vir rus na die long drop!!"
Noël 2016 Nadège Guibert
C’est une journée unique où les soucis quotidiens laissent place au bonheur, à la douceur et aux gourmandises… C’est le jour où il faut partager des moments agréables avec amis ou autres personnes qui nous sont chères. Chez vous Léon, tout était si bien préparé : le sapin brillait de mille et une lumières, des petits cadeaux en signe d’amitié, la dinde au four mais aussi, une petite touche personnelle apportée par chacun des convives avec des plats spécifiques de fête pour donner à ce repas : un air franco-sud africain.
Encore merci Léon, pour ce moment si conviviale, placé sous le signe de la joie et de la bonne humeur.
It is a unique day where daily worries make room for happiness, sweetness and delicacies ... It is the day when we must share pleasant moments with friends or other people who are dear to us. With you Leon, everything was so well prepared: the fir tree shone with a thousand lights, small gifts as a sign of friendship, turkey in the oven but also a small personal touch brought by each of the guests with specific dishes to give this meal a Franco-South African flavor.
Again thank you Leon, for this moment so convivial, placed under the sign of joy and a good mood.
Kersfees in Châlus 2016 - Lenie Harley
Parys! Twee dae van lekker rondslenter – so lekker om weer ‘TUIS’ te wees! Galleries Lafayette was ongelooflik…dis Kersfees en Parys is feestelik opgetooi , maar dit was maar net die voorspel tot ‘n ongelooflike lekker lag, lekker eet kuier in Leon se hartshuis.
Ons is vanaf Parys met die trein na Limoges waar Leon ons kom oplaai het.
My eerste blywende indruk van Limoges was verseker die Gare de Limoges- Bénédictins, so vernoem na 'n Benediktynse klooster wat gedurende die Franse revolusie gesluit is. Wat 'n pragtige en besondere karaktertrek van hierdie besondere Romaanse stasie is, is dat dit oor tien spoorlyne gebou is... ‘n indrukwekkende betonstruktuur wat opgevul is met kalksteen, ‘n koepel van koper en, en…
Na 'n pragtige rit deur die verruklike Franse landelikheid stop ons voor die huis...DIE HUIS is 'n tipiese Franse dame...Leon se Franse buurvrou het die huis “Petit Versailles” gedoop en ek dink dit is die beste beskrywing! Franse antieke meubels, plafonrose wat swierige kandelare vashou, die ontelbare gekurfde en gekerfde spieëls, ens. dra alles by om ‘n wondelike atmosfeer te skep waar jy voel of jy teruggaan in tyd…so ‘n vreemde paradoks van barok en minimalisme (moontlik as jy Leon is!)
Die grootste bederf was om soos ‘n koningin te bad in sagte gedempte lig (feetjie-liggies)...
Inkopies en voorbereiding vir die fees. Dit het my nogal laat dink aan Babette’s feast en die kalkoengedeelte aan Pieces of April...hierdie reuse kalkoen wat amper nie in die oond pas nie! Ek maak bobotie (dink in nabetragting dat dit nie heeltemal so lekker op die Franse gaste se tonge gaan lê het nie) en Leon maak sy brokkoli-slaai en die vulsel vir die kalkoen wat bene in die lug lê...en so tussendeur lewer Frik kommentaar en die Kir gly in die kele af...en dit raak al hoe meer prettig. (In die agtergrond vul die rou klanke van – kan nie eens onthou wat ons alles geluister het nie – die prentjie in.)
Die ete! Sewe gange...en wonderlike geselskap. Patrick en Nadége (bure) arriveer en die fees begin – die wyn en die Frans vloei (gee dit nog ‘n jaar en Leon filosofeer in Frans! Well done!)
Voorgeregte: klein pizza-happies en petits kaassoufflés, salm, bobotie, foie gras (goddelik!), oesters
Hoofgereg: Kalkoen, brokkoli-slaai en geroosterde groente
Nagereg: Tradisionele La Buche
Brantôme…pragtige dorp langs die oewers van die Dronne.
Na ‘n heerlike ontspanne dag van foto’s en nogmaals foto’s (mens kan net nie genoeg neem nie) en tuis gesmul aan die oorskiet van die Kersete speel ons tot laat Cards against Humanity en lag so dat Leon naderhand op die vloer rondkruip. Groot pret!
Heerlike middagete saam met Brigid (Leon se Ierse buurvrou) in Gorre (‘n piepklein dorpie naby Châlus) by Le Relais de Gorre- puik kos!
Tas ligter, lywe swaarder en na ‘n onvergeetlike tyd saam met ‘n ongelooflike gasheer wat ons vreeslik bederf het (ek het nie eens van al die lekker shopping tussenin gepraat nie) is dit nou weer die pragtige rit deur die Franse platteland op pad stasie toe. DANKIE LEON!
The French charm of Châlus – Suné Stassen
Exploring the special charm of Châlus is priceless.
December 2015 marked our extraordinary journey from Sweden to Copenhagen and finally to France. Jam-packed with special celebrations, family and great friendships quickly transformed the winter chills into warmth, love and togetherness. The all-charming Châlus was a perfect backdrop to our beautiful country home where we celebrated our tenth anniversary and the birthday of our dear friend Annette before we excitedly toasted “votre santé” to the first seconds of the New Year.
Our dear friend Leon was as always the perfect host. The special details, flair and charm of his new home in Châlus was a welcoming and warm site after many hours of travel and with the first sip of a special bottle of red from the region we felt right at home as if we have never been separated.
This will always be our special hideaway from home.