My apologies to the English readers but this blog I had to write in my home language. Mes excuses aux lecteurs français mais ce blog que...
The exhibition / L'exposition 2017
After months of renovating the room in the cellar into a studio and gallery the exhibition opened on 30 September 2017... Please click on...
Le Jardin du Luxembourg
What do you do when you are caught up in a heat and tourist wave during June in Paris? You go to le Jardin du Luxembourg or the Garden of...
The Month of May
In France the 1st of May is the first day of spring and also Fête du Muguet (Lily of the Valley Day). That is when the air is filled with...
Almost as important as the kitchen is the dining room or salle à manger. Presque aussi important que la cuisine est la salle à manger....
La Musique est Magique!
J'étais étudiant quand j'ai entendu la musique française pour la première fois…Édith Piaf bien sûr…’Non, je ne regrette rien’. Music is...
Le Coeur de la Maison
If home is where the heart is, the kitchen is the heart of the home! Therefore it was essential to resuscitate the heart of my new...
Mirror, mirror on the wall...
Actually, in my case, it should read ‘Mirrors, mirrors on the walls, armoires, dressing table, buffet...’ The first mirror I can remember...
"Die Geheim van Nantes"
"The Secret of Nantes" Ek was nog op skool toe ek getrou elke middag na die radiovervolgverhaal Die Geheim van Nantes op Springbok Radio...
What is in a name? I am the only blessed one in the family without family names...my mother refused to have another Dirk or Wilhelmus! My...